Actualité, Note d'application, Stations de visionnement sécurisées
ven, juillet 12 2019
IONODES Secure Display Stations have been designed to use live video monitoring to promote more secure environments. They can display live video on a variety of digital monitors without the cost, complexity and security risk of a client workstation. This is ideal in public areas and in remote sites or facilities with few or no trained security staff. The ION-R100S, ION-R200, ION-R300 Secure Display Stations can display up to 32 IP video streams, on one, two or three 4K monitors, and typically operate independently of any video management system (VMS) or NVR.
Spot monitors are often used in retail outlets to deter theft. HD panels have replaced the analog monitor; but where does the workstation go? Potentially displaying an error screen on a spot monitor is the opposite of deterrence!
IONODES Secure Display Stations can display a number of cameras as well as dynamic marketing messages on any HD monitor.
Retail staff have no interface or interaction with the Secure Display Station. This also eliminates the risk of misconfiguration by inexperienced users, while allowing retail associates and management to concentrate on their mission.
Spot monitors can also be placed at delivery or staff entrance/exit doors. This allows staff to see video from external cameras before they open the door.
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