IONODES CitySafe Storage Calculator


Follow the steps below and let the IONODES CitySafe Storage Calculator simplify your project planning, providing precise insights into your system’s technical requirements.
Step 1 - Cameras
Increase valueDecrease value
@ Increase valueDecrease value FPS for Increase valueDecrease value hrs/day,

Estimated data rate: kbps/cam

Qty Camera Rate
Total number of cameras
Increase valueDecrease value
Total recording throughput
Increase valueDecrease value Mbps
0 Mbps
Step 2 - PERCEPT Gateway Storage
Use this section to specify the PERCEPT Gateway configuration for your project.
Increase valueDecrease value

This system is recommended for: 0 to 0 Mbps

Increase valueDecrease value x

Usable storage: 0 TB

Max. recording throughput: 0 Mbps

This configuration will provide a total of 0 TB of usable storage for live recording (raw: 0 TB) and 0 TB of usable storage for video recording (raw: 0 TB) on each system.

Total number of cameras 0
Total number of PERCEPT Gateways 0
Total available recording throughput 0 Mbps
Total required recording throughput 0 Mbps
Spare recording throughput 0 Mbps
Total recording storage 0 TB
Calculated camera recording retention 0 days